The recent announcement regarding the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2022-23, does not directly impact current Supported Disability Accommodation (SDA) pricing arrangements. It does however make provision to support the continuing impact of COVID on service provision and has updated the NDIS Disability Support Worker Cost Model to better reflect the cost structures of providers in the sector.

There is a 9% increase in both provider prices and participant plans, which includes a temporary 12-month 2% loading for providers that recognises the additional costs of compliance with Covid requirements which have been borne by providers.

Of interest to those receiving SDA, or who may become eligible, NDIS has introduced a single price limit for High Intensity support (varying by time of day and day of week). High Intensity support is described as a person:

  • who needs frequent (at least one instance per shift) assistance to manage challenging behaviours that require intensive positive behaviour support, and/or
  • who has support needs that require the skills described by the NDIS Commission as “High Intensity Daily Personal Activities”.

The NDIA will also make up to an extra $514 million available to registered providers of activities of daily living and community participant supports to recognise costs of keeping participants safe, particularly during Covid, and the significant overhead costs incurred by providers this year not previously considered.

Vera Living welcomes this announcement as recognition of the changing needs of the disability community, particularly in relation to providing for an increase in funding for a participant in their plan, which may include provision for SDA.

Visit NDIS website for further details


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