Earlier this year the NDIS announced that during 2022 the first comprehensive review of the underlying assumptions and methodology that are used to calculate specialist disability accommodation (SDA) prices would begin.

The Terms of Reference are now available.

The NDIS will undertake this review through extensive engagement with NDIS participants, the SDA sector and broader community. In coming weeks, they will release an issues paper, after which time people in the sector are encouraged to consider making a submission.

Contributions from participants, providers and any other interested parties will help ensure pricing assumptions are relevant in the context of the building, capital raising and property landscape.

The NDIS encourages your participation in the review to help improve SDA, drive market growth, and deliver better outcomes and experiences for NDIS participants.

SDA Pricing Review terms of reference (DOCX 70KB)

For further information or questions, please email SDAPR@ndis.gov.au

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